
Jobson’s initial setup is inspired by Ruby on Rails, where the command-line is used to generate and launch convention-over-configuration projects (in Jobson, workspaces).


View the install page.

Test Jobson’s Command-Line Interface

This guide uses Jobson’s command-line, which should be available if you have installed Jobson correctly. Ensure you can run it, for example, by showing its help pages:

$ jobson --help

More details about the command-line interface can be found here.

Generate a Workspace

Workspaces are Jobson’s way of organizing its configuration and data. The new command generates a barebones workspace containing the minimum necessary files to run a Jobson server:

$ jobson new --demo
create    config.yml
create    users
create    specs
create    specs/demo
create    specs/demo/spec.yml
create    specs/demo/demo-script.sh
create    specs/demo/demo-dependency
create    jobs
create    wds

More details about workspaces can be found here.

Generate a Job Spec

Job specs are standard YAML files that describe an application. They are held in the specs/ folder in a workspace. The generate spec command generates a new job spec:

$ jobson generate spec foo
create    specs/foo
create    specs/foo/spec.yml

More details about job specs can be found here.

Edit the Job Spec to match the Application

For the sake of this guide, lets assume you want Jobson to host a python script takes two inputs, prints something to the standard output (via print), and writes an output file:

# specs/foo/foo.py

import os

first_name = os.sys.argv[0]
second_name = os.sys.argv[1]

print(first_name + " " + second_name)

with open("output.txt", "w") as f:
    f.write("Some output data\n")

In order to turn this script into a web API, Jobson needs a job spec that describes the script. Lets edit specs/foo/spec.yml to do that:

# specs/foo/spec.yml

name: A python script in the Jobson documentation
description: >

  A job that prints the provided first and second name, followed by
  writing some text to an output file.


- id: firstName
  type: string
  name: First Name

- id: secondName
  type: string
  name: Second Name

  application: python
  - foo.py
  - ${inputs.firstName}
  - ${inputs.secondName}
  - source: foo.py
    target: foo.py

- id: outputFile
  path: output.txt

This example is describing a job that:

  • Takes two string inputs (firstName and secondName)

  • Copies foo.py in the job spec’s folder to foo.py in the runtime working directory

  • Executes python with arguments {inputs.firstName}, ${inputs.secondName}. These arguments are examples of template expressions. In this case, those expressions resolve to the firstName and secondName inputs provided by clients

  • Checks that the python script exits with an exit code of 0

  • Once the application has exited, checks for a file called output.txt in the application’s working directory and persists that file under the ID outputFile

More details about job specs and template expressions are available at the links.

Optional: Validate and Run a Job Against the Job Spec

The job spec can be validated by Jobson to check for basic syntactical errors. The validate spec command will exit with no output if your job spec is syntactically valid. Run it from your main jobson deployment folder:

$ jobson validate spec foo

The validate command exits silently on success.

For a more in-depth validation step, it’s a good idea to run an actual job request against the job spec to see if any runtime bugs pop up. Jobson accepts accepts job requests in a JSON format. The generate request command generates a random standard JSON request against a spec:

$ jobson generate request foo
  "spec" : "foo",
  "name" : "Adipisci voluptatum vel dolore omnis delectus.",
  "inputs" : {
    "firstName" : "Et sint qui nam tempore.",
    "secondName" : "Maxime dolores aut est."

Jobson has generated placeholder text (e.g. Et sint qui nam tempore.) for the inputs. The generated JSON matches the structure of requests as sent via the Jobson HTTP API (specifically, POST /v1/jobs).

Although the job spec is syntactically correct, it may still fail at runtime, so it’s good practice to run a request against the spec.

The run command runs a job request locally:

$ jobson generate request foo > request.json
$ jobson run request.json
Et sint qui nam tempore. Maxime dolores aut est.

The generate request command generated lorem-ipsum text for firstName and lastName, which was forwarded into our python script (foo.py) and printed out.

Although it isn’t obvious, the run command ran request.json through the entire Jobson stack in order to verify that nothing breaks. As a convenience feature, it redirected the the standard output, standard error, and exit code from the application back to the command-line, which lets you debug runtime errors more easily.

We’ve now created a job spec, validated it, and ran it locally, all that’s left is to host it.

Boot the Server

With a working job spec in place, we’re ready to boot a server. The serve command should be ran from the workspace:

$ jobson serve config.yml

More details about the server configuration (config.yml) are available here.

Verify the Server’s Working

The server is then running, which you can verify with a HTTP tool such as curl:

$ curl localhost:8080/v1/

The request.json generated for the run command is an entirely valid API request. Therefore, you can also POST it via the HTTP API:

$ curl --data @request.json -H 'Content-Type: application/json' localhost:8080/v1/jobs

What’s Next?

Now that a server is running, downstream clients can use the API to post job requests to the server, which will validate the request is valid (e.g. “it has a firstName string field”), run the application, and collect outputs - all while handling authentication, IDing, persistence, queueing, concurrency, etc.

Now that you’ve seen the general idea behind Jobson, there’s several steps you can take: