Job Specs ========= Overview -------- Job specs are saved in the job specs directory (e.g. ``specs/{spec-id}/spec.yml``). At runtime, Jobson uses the job spec to figure out a job's: - ``name:`` and ``description:`` - ``expectedInputs:`` from clients - ``execution:`` of the ``application:``, once the inputs are provided - ``execution:`` ``arguments:``, which may include some of the inputs - ``execution:`` ``dependencies:``, such as scripts or data files that should be copied into the runtime working directory - ``expectedOutputs:`` from the application, which Jobson should persist A basic example of a job spec would be: .. literalinclude:: _static/demo-job-spec.yml :linenos: :language: yaml This example specifies: - A job with a human-readable ``name:`` of ``Demo Job Spec`` (and ``description:``). - That expects clients to provide a single string input called ``firstName``, which defaults to ``Jeff`` if clients don't provide it - That, once it receives the inputs: - Copies ```` from the job spec's directory to ```` in the job's working directory - Executes ``bash`` with ```` and ``${inputs.firstName}`` with two - arguments: - ````: The script ``bash`` should run - - ``${inputs.firstName}``: The ``firstName`` provided as an input - - Before executing, Jobson should copy ```` from the job - spec folder to the job's working directory - This specifies a job that takes a single string input (``firstName``) and runs a bash script (````). The bash script is copied from the spec directory (``dependencies: source:``) into the job's working directory (``dependencies: target:``). Once the script runs, it produces a file called ``output``, which has an ``image/jpeg`` MIME type and should be persisted as ``${}.jpg`` by Jobson. Creating a Job Spec ------------------- The Jobson command-line interface comes with a basic spec generator for creating a bareboes spec: .. code:: bash $ jobson generate spec new-spec This creates a job spec with an ID of ``new-spec`` at ``jobs/new-spec/spec.yml``. ``spec.yml`` Schema ------------------- Job specs are standard YAML files that should appear at the correct path (e.g. ``jobs/{job-id}/spec.yml``). This section describes what can be put into the ``spec.yml`` files. ``name`` ~~~~~~~~ Name of the Job Spec. ``description`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Detailed Description of the Job Spec ``expectedInputs`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What Input Data Should be Provided to Execute a Job ``execution`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What Executes Once the Input Data is Received. ``expectedOutputs`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What is Produced by Execution (and should be persisted by Jobson). TODO: Work in progress. Need documentation about supported data types, scripting functions, etc. Template Strings ---------------- Template strings, such as ``${}`` allow developers to add runtime evaluation to their job specs. For example, template strings allow runtime input arguments to be used as application arguments: .. code:: yaml execution: application: bash arguments: - ${inputs.firstName} This is the main way of passing client inputs into an application at runtime. Template strings are ordinary strings with support for special expressions between ``${`` and ``}``. Jobson interprets those expressions at runtime, evaluating them against an environment containing data (e.g. ``inputs``, ``request``) and functions (e.g. ``toJSON``, ``toFile``). Template strings have access to the following: ``String toJSON(Object arg)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A function that takes an input (e.g. ``request``, ````, ``'string literal'``) and returns a JSON representation of the input. Object-/Hash-like arguments are converted into a JSON object, strings are converted into a JSON string, numbers into JSON numbers, etc. ``String toFile(String content)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A function that takes a string input (e.g. ````, ``toJSON(request)``), write the input to a file, and returns an absolute path to that file. ``String join(String delimiter, StringArray strings)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A function that takes a delimiter (e.g. ``','``) and a ``StringArray`` (usually, from a Jobson ``string[]`` ``expectedInput``) and returns a string that contains each element in the ``StringArray`` joined with the delimiter. ``String toString(Object arg)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A function that takes an argument (e.g. ``request.firstName``) and returns a string representation of that arugment. Note: internally, this uses the Java ``.toString`` method on the argument, which may produce non-obvious results with complex arguments. ``Object request`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A reference to the request that initiated the job. Useful fields in the request are: - ``String id``: The job's ID (e.g. ``57s9fmopb``) - ``String owner``: The client that initaited the job request (e.g. ``foouser``) - ``String name``: The name the client given the job - ``Map inputs``: The inputs given for the job. - Each input is accessible via the dot accessor (e.g. ``request.inputs.firstName``). - The ``Map`` is serializable as JSON (e.g. ``toJSON(request.inputs)``). - ``JobSpec spec``: The job spec the job was submitted against ``Object inputs`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shortcut for ``request.inputs``. ``String outputDir`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The output directory for the job. At time of writing, this is always the same as the job's working directory.