Install ======= The Jobson project builds distributions (unix, debian) of ``jobson`` that include the Jobson's core libraries, documentation, UI assets, etc. Debian OSes (Ubuntu, Mint, etc.) -------------------------------- The ``jobson`` build produces a ``.deb`` file that can be installed directly: .. parsed-literal:: wget|release|/jobson_\ |release|\ _all.deb dpkg -i jobson_\ |release|\ _all.deb # contains dependencies on (e.g.) java apt-get -f install # resolves dependencies OSX/Linux (any) --------------- The ``jobson`` project produces a tarball containing all assets needed to run jobson on a unix-like OS. **Note**: You must have ``java`` (8+) installed on your system in order to run ``jobson`` .. parsed-literal:: wget\ |release|\ /jobson-nix-\ |release|\ .tar.gz tar xvf jobson-nix-\ |release|\ .tar.gz # optional: add to ~/.bashrc export PATH=$PATH:/location/of/unpacked/tarball/bin Docker ------ The ``jobson`` project builds a Docker image that pre-integrates ``jobson`` and ``jobson-ui`` (with ``nginx``) together. By default, it will create a demo workspace at `/home/jobson/` inside the container and listen on port 80: .. parsed-literal:: docker run --name default-container -p 80:80 adamkewley/jobson:\ |release|\ It's recommended that you host the workspace outside the container, so that you can backup job data, upgrade the image, etc. The easiest way to do this is to copy the default workspace out of the container and create a new container with a volume mount: .. parsed-literal:: HOST_PORT=9090 # copy out the container's workspace docker run --name tmp-jobson-container -d adamkewley/jobson:\ |release|\ docker cp tmp-jobson-container:/home/jobson /host/path/jobson docker container rm -f tmp-jobson-container # boot a container that uses the out-of-container workspace docker run --name jobson-container -p ${HOST_PORT}:80 -v /host/path/jobson:/home/jobson:rw -d adamkewley/jobson:\ |release|\ This will boot a docker container that listens on ``HOST_PORT``, which you can browse to. Inheriting the ``jobson`` Docker Image -------------------------------------- Running ``jobson`` in a Docker container might be challenging if the applications ``jobson`` runs have other dependencies (e.g. ``python``, ``c++``). One way to get around this is to create a specialized Docker image that inherits from the ``jobson`` docker image. Below is an `example `_ posted by `NickEngland `_ for running Docker containers inside the Jobson container (because, why not): .. code:: FROM adamkewley/jobson:latest RUN apt update && \ apt-get -y install apt-transport-https \ ca-certificates \ curl \ gnupg2 \ software-properties-common && \ curl -fsSL$(. /etc/os-release; echo "$ID")/gpg > /tmp/dkey; apt-key add /tmp/dkey && \ add-apt-repository \ "deb [arch=amd64]$(. /etc/os-release; echo "$ID") \ $(lsb_release -cs) \ stable" && \ apt-get update && \ apt-get -y install docker-ce RUN usermod -aG docker jobson Windows ------- The ``jobson`` project does not officially build or support windows. However, unofficial reports do state that it works on windows if you manually run the ``jobson-x.x.x.jar`` file: * Download and install ``java`` * Download jobson unix tarball from `releases `_ * Unpack somewhere (e.g. in ``DIR``) * Run the jobson CLI with ``java -jar DIR/share/jobson/java/jobson-x.x.x.jar``